The joint event of Zukunftsforum Frankfurt (Oder) and Hanse Club - Wirtschaft für Frankfurt (Oder) und Eisenhüttenstadt e.V. focused on exciting regional business models on May 31, 2023 at BIC in the Technology Park.
Our thanks go to Prof. Jörg Steinbach, Minister for Economic Affairs, Labor and Energy of the State of Brandenburg, who emphasized in his keynote speech the excellent starting position of the Frankfurt (Oder) region for innovations that can shape the future in Brandenburg.
Silicon Radar GmbH and FIANTEC Provisionslösungen GmbH presented themselves as established companies and Roebucks GmbH, Re-Carbox, ppa pioneer, Conntect and Kara-Limo as startups in various stages of formation. All young founders are students or graduates of the European UniversityViadrina Frankfurt (Oder) .
Moderator Anja Bohms guided the approximately 100 guests through the future forum with topics ranging from hunter's forge to platform for electricity contracts to digital business cards.
Guests voted Lukas Kunzmann and Jost Neumann the best business idea. They want to revolutionize the beverage market with their Kara-Limonade. Kara-Limo consists of regionally produced apple juice and Cascara, a previously waste product of coffee production.
We wish all the founders every success with their business ideas and are pleased that the two established companies have already been operating successfully in the BIC for many years.